Group Blessing for Full Moon

20130722-213416.jpgTonight is the night of the full moon
The night of Selene–wise and knowing
Tonight we connect with her power and it is ours
Tonight we vibrate with the pulse of the moon
Knowing, sensing, and feeling our connections
We flow in many dimensions.
Our eyes are opened and we see with clarity in our visions
Our ears are opened and we hear the voices of our souls
Our mouths are opened and we are filled with love
Our wombs are opened and we are in touch with the source of our creativity
Our feet are opened and we walk on our own true path
Our hands are opened and our power is manifest.

–Diane Mariechild (MotherWit, page 30)

Taking a photo of the gorgeous full moon last night, yet again demonstrated to me the truth in this Facebook meme…


Categories: invocations, liturgy, moontime, prayers, quotes, ritual | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Group Blessing for Full Moon

  1. I love this book (Mortherwit). 🙂

  2. Pingback: Group Blessing for Full Moon | themarkedone

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