Womanrunes: The Spiral

Womanrunes: The Spiral. Rune of Initiation. Rites of Passage.May 2013 027
This is a journey stone: spiraling rites of passage, opened doorways, surrendered moments, grace and struggle in changes, hopeful pauses, liminal places, threshold moments, and leaps of faith. When this stone is drawn, ask yourself, how have you celebrated transitions? What rites of passage are you preparing for? What initiations are awaiting you? What sacred work calls your name? To what holy purpose will you be dedicated?

Initiation is a path and a process, not a single discrete event, much like rites of passage mark transitions from one point to another on a continuously unfolding spiral of time, person, and space. One’s whole life can be a process of initiation. Initiation into your own existence. Who are you? Who can you be? What holy flame speaks your name? What task ignites your heartsong? What place awaits your visit? What people hunger for your touch?

This is the stone of initiation. This is the stone of change. This is the stone of dedication to one’s sacred path.

Originally recorded on May 3, 2013. This was my birthday and the third anniversary of my private Goddess dedication ritual. The Spiral was one of the first womanrunes I actually drew in my experiment, but I didn’t end up having time to type it up. However, it felt perfectly perfect for my birthday and my Goddess-aversary, especially since I didn’t have a very good day, having also recorded the following:

This tension and anxiety I feel today is impermanent, much like the ages. Much like my own birth and the birth of my children. Moments…in an unending spiral of moments. Just like I come here to recharge, I can come here to bury baskets of broken dreams, to lift up surrendered hands, and let plans fall in crumbles. Let my wishes shatter around me. Cast off, shed, let go, surrendered, given up, quit. There are lessons there too. There’s learning and growth there too…

Update: this project evolved into a real book!

The first post in my Womanrunes series is available here. The runes and the names of them come from Shekhinah Mountainwater’s Womanrunes system for which there are no written interpretations available other than the name and one word meanings. I’m engaging in a semi-daily practice of drawing one and then going down to the woods with it to see what it “tells” me–basically, creating what I wish I had, which is a more developed interpretation of the meaning of each womanrunestone.

Categories: Womanrunes | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Womanrunes: The Spiral

  1. I keep coming back to this post and rereading it. Spent like an hour going through your first post on the Womanrunes and Shekhinah’s books. I’ve added her Ariadne’s Thread to my wishlist. Wow! Such powerful work.
    “This is the stone of initiation. This is the stone of change. This is the stone of dedication to one’s sacred path.”
    As you can tell by my name, Spirals are a big part of my spirituality and life. Reading these words connected to the Spiral is so powerful for me right now.
    Thank you for sharing this!

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